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How to take care of your beads jewelry?

Beautiful beaded jewelry is very valuable. Proper care will not only help prevent damage or wear but also ensures that each bead itself retains its natural beauty. Briefly explain the basic maintenance methods of bead jewelry:

1. Correct storage. Choose a closed, clean and dry place for your items. It is best to place them separately. Plastic bags can be used to help separate items. The best way is to lat flat and avoids hooks hanging. Carefully and neatly place them in a soft lining drawer in the lining.
2.  Avoid wearing them when doing housework or working outdoors. If bead jewelry may be exposed to extreme temperatures, high humidity, direct sunlight or irritating chemicals, you may also be reluctant to wear it. Do not wear beaded jewelry while showering, swimming or making-up, as chemicals can damage beads and other fine materials.
3. Wipe after wearing. Always make sure your gemstones are clean and then put away. After each wear, wipe with a clean, soft, slightly damp cloth to ensure that it is free of dust, oil, and debris.